Satsuma from Grandpa

  • My Summer Car — Satsuma from Grandpa
  • My Summer Car — Satsuma from Grandpa
  • My Summer Car — Satsuma from Grandpa
Author: WhiteTerra
Size: 845.47 kB
Uploaded by: xam_xam
Date: February 23, 2025, 11:16 AM
Downloads: 96

You turned 18, which became a reason to buy your first car. Your parents, who went on vacation, left only a moped. From this moment, you decide to buy a car with your meager savings. The only car at such a low price turns out to be Grandpa's old Satsuma on the outskirts of Oliveski. According to Grandpa, the rear bumper is rusted, and the rear fender is dented.

The most disheartening part was the story of a front-end collision. Two parts had already been ordered before you — the rear bumper and the front fender, which are still primed. The trunk contained many car parts that need to be installed.

The car hasn't had a service in a long time, and many bolts have come loose. On an uncontrollable, stalling, and whistling car, you miraculously made it home, placed the parts on the table in the garage, and with hope for fixing this car, went to sleep in your room...

Installation path:

  • C:/Users/User/AppData/LocalLow/Amistech/My Summer Car.

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