PUBG: Battlegrounds

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PUBG: Battlegrounds - what kind of game is it, trailer, system requirements, reviews and ratings, prices and discounts, guides and walkthrough, similar games PUBG

PUBG: Battlegrounds is a free-to-play multiplayer tactical shooter in third-person perspective, where only the last surviving participant wins. In this survival... Read more

Publishers / Distributors / Localizers:

PUBG: Battlegrounds is a free-to-play multiplayer tactical shooter in third-person perspective, where only the last surviving participant wins. In this survival game, you will fight on the vast island of Erangel, steeped in post-Soviet spirit. You will start your battle with nothing. To survive, you need to find weapons, supplies, and gear, and the faster you can do this, the greater your chances of emerging victorious in this fight for survival.

Genre and Gameplay

The multiplayer online shooter PubG has gained immense popularity due to the concept of gladiators in the arena: each match takes place on a vast map where 100 players battle it out. The size of the world constantly shrinks, forcing players to confront each other and act more actively and aggressively. Each match lasts no more than 30 minutes, which maintains the intensity of gameplay and allows players to experience new sensations.

Three Key Features of PubG

1) everyone wants to kill you: there are no friends or rules here, death can come at any moment. It could be a sniper from 500 meters away, a random shot, or a player sneaking up on you with a knife.

2) just like in real combat: watch your surroundings, avoid open spaces, noise gives you away, so be quiet, grab the most valuable items, and never stay in one place.

3) you need to adapt on the go, changing weapon modifications or the weapon itself, choosing different gear, using energy drinks or painkillers for better effect, and so on.

The Game World of PubG

The number of maps in PubG will grow, but at the beginning of 2018, there are two. The main map is a vast island in Eastern Europe with villages and fields, while the second is a mountainous desert with a couple of cities and military bases in Asia.

You can enter any house on the map, open all the rooms, and search them, but otherwise, the maps are very open and do not contain places where you can easily hide in grass or bushes. PubG has a forgiving approach to player damage; for example, you can jump from the height of a three-story building and receive only minor damage.

The game world constantly shrinks, which is communicated and players are offered to move to a safe zone, marked on the map, but no one can stay in one place — you will have to run for half a round or more. To move long distances, it’s best to find transport, although it is very vulnerable.

Certain locations on the maps contain caches, chests, and hideouts, as well as military arsenals, but the chance of finding good loot in them is low. Only areas marked in yellow or red on the map have good loot, and they are often refreshed. However, the chance of dying in these zones is high, so not all players head there. Periodically, the game drops valuable loot, which leads to a real hunt, and often around the cargo, 8-10 players die.

Weapons and Gear in PubG

For balance in PubG, there aren't many weapons, although new ones are gradually tested and added. But there is plenty to choose from: several variations of knives, pistols, submachine guns, assault and battle rifles, machine guns, grenade launchers, and sniper rifles. Each weapon has from 1 to 4 modification modules, such as silencers, scopes, grips, stocks, ammo belts, and more.

Gear includes various clothing, as well as backpacks, helmets, and body armor. You can carry bandages, syringes, first aid kits, painkillers, and energy drinks in your loadout, and they have a usage time, while first aid kits do not restore all health at once. Since each killed player also collected weapons, gear, and equipment, it is allowed to approach the body and thoroughly search it to take what you need.

In PubG, bullet hit calculations are conducted, a shot to the head can almost always kill, while a hit to the arm or leg only injures the character. You can change the firing mode - single shots or bursts.

Special attention has been paid to the character's characteristics. He can carry a limited weight, after which the ability to run is lost. You have to choose what is better - increased firepower or survivability. Having a bulletproof vest and helmet will help a lot, but they affect movement. A character with holstered weapons runs noticeably faster than with weapons in hand.

Online play in PubG

The player finds themselves gliding on a parachute over the map, drop points are determined randomly. There are a few seconds to decide on a landing spot, after which you must immediately select a weapon and arrange everything in hotkeys. Nothing special is given to the player, so you have to look for hiding spots on the map and survive.

You can orient yourself by the parachutes of other players and run to kill them, or you can take a defensive position. The further tactics depend on the circumstances, but statistically half of the players die in the first ten minutes, even when there are no cool guns or gear. What do you need to not die? First of all, figure out the controls - there are several features that may unpleasantly surprise you at the most critical moment.

Secondly, you need to think logically, listen, keep your cool, and shoot very accurately - all that which shooter enthusiasts are used to, only at a new level with no room for error. All the items you use have their own drop chance in hiding spots, as well as characteristics: spread, range, accuracy, etc. Many memorize them to gain an advantage.

Trailers, gameplay, and other videos

PUBG vs Fortnite
PUBG Free Weekend
Season 4 Cinematic Trailer | PUBG UNIVERSE
PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds - Announcement | PS4
Season 7 Gameplay Trailer | PUBG

Store Offers and Discounts

System requirements and PC test

  • 64-bit Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10
  • CPU: Intel Core i3-4340
  • RAM: 6 GB
  • Free Space: 30 GB
  • VRAM: 2GB
  • Video Card: nVidia GeForce GTX 660
  • DirectX: 11
  • Широкополосное подключение к интернету
  • Keyboard, Mouse
  • 64-bit Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10
  • CPU: Intel Core i5-6600K
  • RAM: 16 GB
  • Free Space: 30 GB
  • VRAM: 3 GB
  • Video Card: nVidia GeForce GTX 1060 3GB
  • DirectX: 11
  • Keyboard, Mouse
PC test

Reviews and ratings

The game itself is not bad, a large map, a lot of weapons, vehicles, etc. But there is one big problem, namely cheaters. In most cases, when playing 90% of the time, you will come across a cheater who will kill you almost across the entire map, etc. There are also quite a lot of bugs. After the departure of the first developers, the game is not monitored at all and only paid skins are added. It’s a shame that such a good project was buried, but it used to be better than Fortnite and similar games.

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Игра сама по себе не плохая, большая карта, много оружия, транспорт и т.д. Но есть одна большая проблема, а именно читеры. В большинстве случаев при игре в 90% попадётся читер который будет вас убивать почти через всю карту и т.д. Так же есть довольно большое количество багов. После ухода первых разработчиков за игрой вообще не следят а добавляют только платные скины. Жалко что такой хороший проект закопали, а ведь раньше был лучше чем фортнайт и тому подобные игры.


Most people left the game due to bugs, cheaters and monotonous updates. The developers turned off slowpoke and came to their senses, deciding to bring something new to the game, but it’s too late, I think, because... reputation and interest in the game were significantly spoiled

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из игры большинство людей ушло из-за багов, читеров и однообразных обновлений. разрабы слоупока вырубили и спохватились, решив привнести что-то новое в игру, но уже поздно, я считаю, т.к. репутацию и интерес к игре подпортили знатно

Вячеслав (гость)
March 10, 2019

Pubg on the computer is generally a bad game, very difficult for beginners, I started playing and I can’t kill anyone, it’s like I’m playing on CROWN, I can’t see the enemies, you can’t guess where they’re shooting from, it’s impossible to kill anyone, The mobile version is 100 times cooler and more interesting, and Now you can’t change the server either, you failed with this game.

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Pubg на компьютере вообще плохая игра,очень сложная для новичков,я начал играть и никого не могу убить,как будто на КОРОНЕ играю,врагов не видно,откуда стреляют не угадаешь,никого убить невозможно,Мобильная версия в 100 раз круче и интереснее,а теперь еще и сервер нельзя сменить,вы провалились с этой игрой.

n1keron_groznyj (гость)
December 18, 2020

I played PUBG. Later, later after 30 minutes and the crash .... I don't know why the crash? Didn't help ....

The menu started to look like PUBG mobile, which is an overcomplicated visual diarrhea.

- Incompetent bots are added to matches, they do nothing and are even boring to shoot.

- You cannot currently select the map you wanted to play on.

- There are many more game-breaking bugs.

- And there are still too many cheaters ruining the game for most.

I stopped playing after the 4th survivor pass went live. I checked the game regularly and hopelessly, but I didn't want the improvement to make me want to play again. TO ME THIS GAME IS IN THE WORST STATE RIGHT NOW. I DO NOT RECOMMEND YOU BUY. :(

Processor: AMD Ryzen 7 3700X

Motherboard: ASUS PRIME X470-PRO

Memory: Kingston HyperX Predator Black DDR4 2x… Read full

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Я грав PUBG. Пізніше, пізніше через 30 хвилин і аварії .... Я не знаю, чому аварії? Не допомогло ....

Меню почало виглядати як PUBG mobile, що є надмірно складною візуальною діареєю.

- Невмілих ботів додають до матчів, вони нічого не роблять і навіть нудно стріляти.

- На даний момент ви не можете вибрати карту, на якій хотіли грати.

- Є ще багато помилок, що порушують ігри.

- І все ще є занадто багато шахраїв, що руйнують гру для більшості.

Я перестав грати після того, як 4-й пас на вижив перейшов в ефір. Я регулярно і безнадійно перевіряв гру, але покращення мені не хотілося, щоб я хотів знову грати. ДЛЯ МЕНЯ ЦЯ ГРА В НАЙГОРШІЙ ШТАТІ ЗАРАЗ. Я НЕ РЕКОМЕНДУЮ ВАМ КУПИТИ. :(

Процесор: AMD Ryzen 7 3700X

Материнська плата: ASUS PRIME X470-PRO

Пам'ять: Kingston HyperX Predato… Read full

Чилавек из Брянска (гость)
February 27, 2019

Terrible game! Gets bored quickly! I'm already sick! I played on ultra and my eyes hurt!

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Ужасная игра! Надоедает быстро! Тошнит уже! Я играл на ультрах и у меня глаза болят!

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