Career - Paranormal

  • The Sims 4 — Career - Paranormal
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Date: June 14, 2020, 07:46 PM
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The career of a hypnotist and psychic has been renewed. Taken from The Sims 2. For version 1.63.

Daily wages, hours of work and working days are the same as in TS2:U.

10 levels.

1. Psychic Phone Pal

2. Conspiracy Theorist

3. Tarot Card Reader

4. Hypnotist

5. Medium

6. Dowser

7. Police Psychic

8. UFO Investigator

9. Exorcist

10. Cult Leader

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Карьера — Паранормальное

Обновилась карьера гипнотизера и экстрасенса. Взята из Sims 2. Для версии 1.63.

Дневная оплата, часы работы и рабочие дни такие же, как и в TS2:U.

10 уровней.

1. Psychic Phone Pal

2. Conspiracy Theorist

3. Tarot Card Reader

4. Hypnotist

5. Medium

6. Dowser

7. Police Psychic

8. UFO Investigator

9. Exorcist

10. Cult Leader

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