Guide on Aloy in Genshin Impact: Best Builds, Weapons, Skills, Leveling and Ascension

Aloy is the main protagonist of the game Horizon: Zero Dawn. However, this autumn, she can join your team in Genshin Impact. Aloy will be featured as a five-star Cryo character, armed with a bow. We will tell you more about her in this guide.
How to get Aloy in Genshin Impact?
To get this heroine, you don't need to use wishes — just reach Adventure Rank 20. Instructions on how to activate Aloy will be sent to the email linked to your account. Sony console owners (PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5) will receive the relevant letter from September 1 to October 13, 2021. Those playing on other platforms should note the period from October 13 to November 24, 2021.
Description of Aloy — titles, region, constellation, birthday, and gender
- Gender: female;
- Birthday: April 4;
- Constellation: Nora Fortis;
- Titles: Savior from another world, Nora hunter.
Aloy's Active Talents
- Rapid Fire (normal attack). Aloy performs up to four shots with her bow. The charged version of this attack deals additional Cryo damage. If you shoot while falling, Aloy will release a barrage of arrows that deal AoE damage.
- Frozen Wilds (elemental skill). Aloy throws a frost bomb that deals Cryo damage and splits into several ice bombs. Upon hitting an enemy or after a set time, they also explode, dealing additional Cryo damage. When the frost bomb or ice bomb hits an enemy, their attack is reduced, and Aloy gains 1 level of coil. Each level increases her overall damage. Once the girl reaches 4 coil levels, the Rushing Ice effect is triggered, converting physical attack into Cryo damage.
- Prophecies of Dawn (elemental burst). Aloy throws a container at the target and hits it with an arrow. This deals massive AoE Cryo damage.
Aloy's Passive Talents
- Wasteland Hunter. With Aloy in your team, small animals are not afraid of you. This significantly simplifies hunting them.
- Combat Override. When Aloy gains a coil from using her elemental skill (Frozen Wilds), her attack increases by 16%, and other party members' attack increases by 8%. The effect lasts for 10 seconds.
- Strong Strike. If Aloy is under the Rushing Ice status (4th coil level), her Cryo attack increases by 3.5% for 1 second. The effect can stack, but the attack will not increase by more than 35%.
Where to find (how to get) materials for leveling up Aloy's talents?
- Level 2: 12,500 Mora, 3 Teachings of Freedom, 6 Spectral Husks.
- Level 3: 17,500 Mora, 2 Guides to Freedom, 3 Spectral Hearts.
- Level 4: 25,000 Mora, 4 Guides to Freedom, 4 Spectral Hearts.
- Level 5: 30,000 Mora, 6 Guides to Freedom, 6 Spectral Hearts.
- Level 6: 37,500 Mora, 9 Guides to Freedom, 9 Spectral Hearts.
- Level 7: 120,000 Mora, 4 Philosophies of Freedom, 4 Spectral Nuclei, 1 Crimson Agate.
- Level 8: 260,000 Mora, 6 Philosophies of Freedom, 6 Spectral Nuclei, 1 Crimson Agate.
- Level 9: 450,000 Mora, 12 Philosophies of Freedom, 9 Spectral Nuclei, 2 Crimson Agates.
- Level 10: 700,000 Mora, 16 Philosophies of Freedom, 12 Spectral Nuclei, 2 Crimson Agates, 1 Crown of Insight.
- Spectral Husks, Spectral Hearts, and Spectral Nuclei drop from Specters. Additionally, a Spectral Heart can be crafted from 3 Spectral Husks, and a Spectral Nucleus can be crafted from 3 Spectral Hearts.
- Teachings of Freedom can be found in a domain called the Forsaken Rift. We have marked its exact location on the map.
- Guides to Freedom are crafted from 3 Teachings of Freedom or obtained in the Forsaken Rift.
- Philosophies of Freedom can also be obtained in the Forsaken Rift or crafted from 3 Guides to Freedom.
- The Crown of Insight could have been obtained during temporary events. They are currently unavailable, but new similar quests will appear in the future. At the moment, the only way to get the Crown of Insight is to reach level 11 of the Frostbearing Tree. We have indicated where it can be found on the map.
Where to find (how to get) materials for Aloy's ascension? What is needed for Aloy's ascension?
When your hero reaches level 20, progress will stop. To continue leveling up, you need to undergo the ascension process. This will require specific resources.
- Level 20: 20,000 Mora, 3 Spectral Husks, 1 Shivada Jade Sliver, 3 Crystal Marrow.
- Level 40: 40,000 Mora, 15 Spectral Husks, 3 Shivada Jade Fragments, 10 Crystal Marrows, 2 Everlasting Hearts.
- Level 50: 60,000 Mora, 12 Spectral Hearts, 6 Shivada Jade Fragments, 20 Crystal Marrows, 4 Everlasting Hearts.
- Level 60: 80,000 Mora, 18 Spectral Hearts, 3 Shivada Jade Chunks, 30 Crystal Marrows, 8 Everlasting Hearts.
- Level 70: 100,000 Mora, 12 Spectral Nuclei, 6 Shivada Jade Chunks, 45 Crystal Marrows, 12 Everlasting Hearts.
- Level 80: 120,000 Mora, 24 Spectral Nuclei, 6 Shivada Jade Gemstones, 60 Crystal Marrows, 20 Everlasting Hearts.
- Spectral Husks, Spectral Hearts, and Spectral Nuclei can be obtained from Specters. A Spectral Heart can be crafted from 3 Spectral Husks, and a Spectral Nucleus from 3 Spectral Hearts.
- Everlasting Hearts can be found on Jinren Island. Interact with the Sakura branch, ascend, and move through the portal. There you will face the boss Immortal Mechanical Array. After its defeat, you will obtain Everlasting Hearts. The location of Jinren Island is marked on the map.
- Shivada Jade Slivers are obtained in the Wolf of the North's den and in the Golden House, dropped by cryo whopperflowers, and also purchased in souvenir shops. We have marked the locations of these places on the map.
- Shivada Jade Fragments can be crafted from three Shivada Jade Slivers, obtained in the Golden House, or dropped by the Wolf of the North and cryo whopperflowers of level 40.
- Shivada Jade Chunks are obtained by completing the Golden House or the Wolf of the North's den. Additionally, they can be dropped by cryo whopperflowers of level 60 or crafted from three Shivada Jade Fragments. Shivada Jade Gemstones are crafted from three Shivada Jade Chunks, obtained in the Golden House, and also dropped by cryo whopperflowers of level 75 and the Wolf of the North.
- Crystal Marrow can be found on the islands of Yashiori and Kannazuka. We have indicated where they can be located on the map.
Best weapon and artifact builds for Aloy
If you're playing on Sony consoles, the Aloy's Bow is the weapon of choice. It increases the girl's attack by 66 units, and when she hits enemies with cold (Cryo), her normal and charged shots deal 10% more damage for 6 seconds. The effect can stack up to twice. You will receive this bow along with Aloy herself — an email will be sent to you.
If you're playing Genshin Impact on PC or mobile phones, we suggest using the Stringless bow as Aloy's weapon. It increases the damage of elemental skill and elemental burst by 24-48%. It can be obtained through the prayers of the White Tassel Garden and the Deity's Incarnation.
The best artifact set is the Blizzard Strayer set. It increases Cryo damage by 15%, and if the opponents have Cryo status, the chance to inflict critical damage increases by 20%. If the enemy is frozen, the critical hit chance increases by another 20%. Such an effect occurs when combining ice spells with hydro magic attacks. Artifacts from this set can be found in the Peak of Vindagnyr dungeon.
Pros and cons of Aloy
- High Cryo damage.
- Having Aloy on the team significantly simplifies hunting wild animals.
- The increase in Cryo attack comes at the expense of reduced physical damage. As a result, using Aloy against Cryo characters is ineffective.
How to play as Aloy? Which heroes combine well in a team with Aloy?
Aloy should be used in battle against enemies of any element except ice. Her attack can be enhanced with hydro magic. For defense, it is advisable to take Geo characters, thanks to which you can create shields from other elements.
Optimal team composition:
- Aloy;
- Barbara, Mona, Xingqiu, or Tartaglia (Hydro characters);
- Albedo, Ningguang, Noelle, or Zhongli (Geo characters);
- Barbara, Qiqi, or Jean (healers).
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