Euro Truck Simulator 2
Realistic truck driver simulator Euro Truck Simulator 2 has allowed many players to feel the atmosphere of traveling on the road in a large truck, with no one... Read more
Trainer (+6) [] [iNvIcTUs orCuS / HoG]
1489657594_etsv11341s_6tr.rarDownload 2.64 MBArchive password: vgtimes
Edition: Steam
Game Version: v.
Trainer Language: English
Number of Functions: 6
Trainer Creation Date: 10/12/2014
Num0: No damage - no damage
Num1: Unlimited fuel - endless fuel
Num2: No fatigue - no fatigue
Num3: + 20.000 money — 20.000 money
Num4: Freeze skillpoints - freeze skill points
Num5: + 10.000 Exp. points — 10,000 experience points
Издание: Steam
Версия Игры: v.
Язык Трейнера: Английский
Количество Функций: 6
Дата Создания Трейнера: 12/10/2014
Num0: No damage — нет повреждений
Num1: Unlimited fuel — бесконечное топливо
Num2: No fatigue — нет усталости
Num3: + 20.000 money — 20.000 денег
Num4: Freeze skillpoints — заморозить очки мастерства
Num5: + 10.000 Exp. points — 10.000 очков опыта
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