Euro Truck Simulator 2
Realistic truck driver simulator Euro Truck Simulator 2 has allowed many players to feel the atmosphere of traveling on the road in a large truck, with no one... Read more
Save / SaveGame (700 million and level 1485)
1494105125_save_ets2_1.zipDownload 303.57 kBArchive password: vgtimes
Drop a folder in the archive along the path:
C:/Users/*username*/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/Profiles
Save for level 1485 and 700,000,000 euros.
1 garage and 5 tractors.
The file name and description have been translated Show original
(RU)Show translation
Сохранение / SaveGame (700 млн. и 1485 уровень)
Киньти папку в архиве по пути:
C:/Users/*имя пользователя*/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/Profiles
Сейв на 1485 уровень и 700.000.000 евро.
1 гараж и 5 тягочей.
Useful links: