Euro Truck Simulator 2
Realistic truck driver simulator Euro Truck Simulator 2 has allowed many players to feel the atmosphere of traveling on the road in a large truck, with no one... Read more
Trainer (+6) [1.26.2s: x64] [LIRW / GHL] - Updated: 12/16/2016
1481891518_ets2_x64.zipDownload 2.64 kBArchive password: vgtimes
We unpack the downloaded archive to any place convenient for you.
We launch the game, then launch the trainer and press the keys for the options of interest.
Trainer functions:
[0] Infinite fuel.
[1] No sleep.
[3] 1000 000 Money. — when an option is activated in the menu, we enter and exit.
[4] Level 50 - for the purchase of any car. (It makes no sense to spin any more)
[5] Reduced damage to vehicle.
[6] Increase engine power - Test
Скаченный архив распаковываем в любое удобное для вас место.
Запускаем игру, потом запускаем трейнер и жмем клавиши интересующих опций.
Функции трейнера:
[0] Бесконечное топливо.
[1] Без сна.
[3] 1000 000 Денег. — при активации опции в меню входим и выходим.
[4] 50 уровень — на покупку любого авто.(Больше крутить без смысленно)
[5] Уменьшенный урон автомобилю.
[6] Увеличение мощности двигателя — Test
Useful links: