The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Special Edition is a re-release of the role-playing fantasy game with an open world The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim... Read more
Katana Crafting - SE. The mod adds the ability to craft katana, daikatana, wakizashi and tanto. They are available for every type of weapon: steel, silver, dwemer, elven, orc, nordic, glass, ebony, stalhrim, daedric, dragon, as well as weapons from t ...
Rosalie Follower or Serana Replacer - High Poly Head - 4K Facetint - ESL. Rosalie is a vampire and a very talented electromancer. She is based on the NPC variant of Serana, so she will use her animations and armor. However, she has her own personalit ...
COCO KDA AO Ahri - CBBE-TBD-BHUNP SE. The gear comes with support for CBBE SE, TBD SE and BHUNP body slides. The hair and tail have HDT-SMP fabric physics. Equipment can be obtained through crafting at any forge (requires the Elven Smithing Perk abil ...
Melodic Batboob Succub - CBBE-TBD-BHUNP SE. This mod features a unique succubus outfit. The gear comes with support for CBBE SE, TBD SE and BHUNP body slides. For a more comfortable game, use full translation into Russian. Recommended mods: - UNP ...
Beth - Female Woodelf High Poly Head RaceMenu preset. This elf preset is for use as the main character. Recommended mods: High Poly Head 1.4 — Face Morphs: Expressive Facegen Morphs — Facial Animations: Expressive Facial Animations (Male), E ...
Ithil Nyr - High Poly Character Preset - Dark Elf - RaceMenu. New dark elf from the Nyr series. It can be used with all elven and human races. Ilith is a High Poly character preset. How to use: 1. Select one of the races. If you're a dark elf, you ...
Sun and Stone Atronachs - A Mysticism Addon. Adds two new summonable atronachs: a rock atronach and a solar atronach. Only done because I wanted more creatures made of stone to be used as minions. This mod doesn't add these creatures to the world as ...
No Animal Loot. Simple xEdit files with esl flag to remove gold and treasure from animals. Several options to choose from. I have included 3 options to choose from. the first file doesn't include carnivores, so wolves and the like still give gold. I ...
Galaxy Cosmic Eyes. This mod adds 14 digital hand-drawn eyes created with the mouse. Eyes include a combination of heterochromia (glow and no glow) for humanoid male and female races. There are two versions of the eyes: black sclera (main file) or wh ...
Populated Solitude. Increase Solitude's population for better immersion. You can see new NPCs at the entrances, in the market, in the Blue Palace outside. Quite a cool change to see more people walking around.
Deneve - Female Redguard High Poly Head RaceMenu preset. Female Redguard race character preset, somewhat lore-friendly. Recommended mods for this work: Bijin Skin UNP and CBBE SE Expressive Facegen Morphs SE Expressive Facial Animation -Female E ...
Champion of Azura - BHUNP SMP Skyrim Special Edition - RUSSIAN. This mod completely translates the modification into Russian - Azura Champion Armor .
Champion of Azura - BHUNP SMP Skyrim Special Edition. This armor consists of a set of heavy and light armor, as well as a long one-handed sword called Moon and Star. To get the armor, go to Azura's Shrine, then look for the door under the statue, you ...