Save (Nord 50LVL; Completed story and war) [Steam]

  • Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Special Edition — Save (Nord 50LVL; Completed story and war) [Steam]
  • Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Special Edition — Save (Nord 50LVL; Completed story and war) [Steam]
  • Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Special Edition — Save (Nord 50LVL; Completed story and war) [Steam]
  • Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Special Edition — Save (Nord 50LVL; Completed story and war) [Steam]
  • Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Special Edition — Save (Nord 50LVL; Completed story and war) [Steam]
    Archive password: vgtimes
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Author: Kamikadzenysh
Size: 3.04 MB
Uploaded by: xam_xam
Date: January 14, 2021, 12:36 PM
Downloads: 861

Nord level 50, skills 100, all abilities studied, all thu'ums studied (except for DLC), but not all are open.

The storylines have not been touched, the main plot has been completed, as well as the great war for the Stormcloaks (for Nord, the daughter of Skyrim); DLC not completed.

Possessed only: House of Warm Winds (TAN), Hyerim (TAN), High Spire (TAN), Honeyberry (TAN), Vlindrel Hall (TAN).

The armor of the Chief of War and the Blade of Woe is equipped, there is a Skeleton key (for beauty)

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Сохранение (Норд 50LVL; Пройден сюжет и война) [Steam]

Норд 50 уровня, навыки 100, изучены все способности, изучены все ту'умы (кроме DLC), но открыты не все.

Сюжетные линии не тронуты, пройден основной сюжет, также гр-ая война за Братьев Бури (ибо Норд, дочь Скайрима); DLC не пройдены.

Во владении только: Дом теплых ветров (ТАН), Хьерим (ТАН), Высокий шпиль (ТАН), Медовик (ТАН), Влиндрел-Холл (ТАН).

Экипирована броня Главы ГВ и Клинок Горя, есть Скелетный ключ (для красоты)

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