Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Special Edition
The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Special Edition is a re-release of the role-playing fantasy game with an open world The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Legendary Edition for... Read more
Translation of the mod - “Creating a Katana”

Katana Crafting - Russian Translation. This mod completely translates the modification into Russian - Creation of a katana .
Creation error

Katana Crafting - SE. The mod adds the ability to craft katana, daikatana, wakizashi and tanto. They are available for every type of weapon: steel, silver, dwemer, elven, orc, nordic, glass, ebony, stalhrim, daedric, dragon, as well as weapons from t ...
Emerald Sword

Emerald Sword 1H and 2H. A sword with a mixture of realistic appearance and a bit of fantasy, an idea I started in 2019 but only finished "now" because I went to learn more about the blender only 3 months ago. Features: 1H - Damage=11 - W ...
Katana Muramasa

Muramasa Katana. This mod adds a new Daedric katana to the game. ESL file. Found in the Daedric Weapons section.
Automatic weapon reloading

Auto Recharge Weapons SE. The mod automatically recharges enchanted weapons and staves if there are soul stones in the inventory. Only stones whose soul is equal to the volume of the stone are supported, i.e. a small stone with only a small soul. I ...
Callisto and the ax

Callisto and an axe. Just an ax and a sword that I made while learning to use a blender. They're not perfect but they're good enough, I'm still trying to get the hang of texture baking techniques to get decent looking maps but keep getting stuck with ...
A set of weapons from Beyond Skyrim Morrowind

Beyond Skyrim Morrowind - Bonemold Weapon Pack. Adds the bone weapon set from Beyond Skyrim: Morrowind for use in the main game. Happy anniversary, Morrowind! To get these new items, simply head to Traitor's Outpost in Skyrim and look for a road acci ...
Sword of the Fallen Prince

Kanjs - Blade of the Fallen Prince - Particle Light - up to 4k. In this mod I have shared my latest weapon model as a separate weapon! It includes Blade of the Fallen Prince, a one-handed sword from WOW Legion! Can be crafted at any forge! ...
Carving knife

The Seperator -First Time Mod-. A carving knife used to open an unknown specimen. A strange lizard known as the Red-Clad Tramp favors this weapon. You can find him at Arnelf and Sons at the front desk. Requires the Immersive Weapons mod. I'm working ...
Kaine's swords from the game Nier Replicant

Kaine's swords. Here is a mod that adds Kaine's swords from the game Nier Replicant. The weapon is made from scratch, it is not a port from the original game. The characteristics are equivalent to the Daedric sword, only modified, but close to the or ...
Ancient Orc Hammer

Ancient Orcish Warhammer SE. New weapon for Skyrim - Ancient Orc War Hammer. You can find it in Dushnik Yal, in the basement of a long house. Features: - Weight: 28 - Damage: base 23, crit. 12 - Enchantment: No. - Reach: 1.3 - Speed: 0.6
Conan's sword

Conan Swords SE. This mod adds two swords from the 1982 film Conan the Barbarian, the Father Sword and the Atlantean Sword in both one-handed and two-handed versions. The mod had textures and meshes optimized, and its shape ID was fixed in CK and cle ...
Scimitar north

Kanjs - Scimitar of the North Standalone and Replacer. In this mod I shared my latest weapon model as a standalone and replacement weapon! It includes a one-handed scimitar. Replacement and standalone versions. ...
Hook Sword

Wurim Armory - Hook Sword. This mod adds unique Chinese weapons to the game. Adds 3 new unique Chinese hook swords. In addition, it is possible to obtain a new unique sword with a new sword mark effect and enchantment. Moreover, you can disenchant an ...
Beast Master's Ax

Beast Master Ax SE. The Beast Master's Ax can be crafted as a battle axe. Damage is the same as dragon bone. Made from standard dragon materials. Tempered using dragon bone. Labeled ESP.