Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Special Edition
The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Special Edition is a re-release of the role-playing fantasy game with an open world The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Legendary Edition for... Read more
Battle ax

Ebonblade War Ax SE. This mod adds a new one-handed battle ax based on the "Greataxe of Ebon Blade" from World of Warcraft. The set includes textures in 2k and 4k resolutions. Base damage is 15, applies to Daedric weapons.
Greatsword of the Abyss

Abyssal Greatsword standalone or Ebony Blade Stormfang replacers. This mod adds a new sword that glows and pulsates. Available with 2K and 4K textures. Textures saved in BC7 to improve performance and reduce file size. The standalone version has stat ...
Weapons collection

Weapons Collection 3. This mod adds as many as 10 types of new weapons to the game. Each of them has different characteristics and its own recipes for creation. To get them you must have the blacksmithing skill.
Weapons in 2K and 4K

Project Clarity - Vanilla Weapon Textures Redone. A modder has released a new texture pack to improve the graphics of The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Special Edition. All textures are available in high resolution (2K or 4K) and have been upgraded using ...
Stoneheart Weapon Set

Stoneheart Weapons Pack. Tons of new weapons and shields (some animated) that are included in the level sheets (you can find them in the game). Weapons Collection of 18 brand new weapons (some of them animated) - (sword, Mehrune's shortsword, hunter' ...
Steel Dragon Weapon

Dragon Steel Weapons. This mod adds a full set of weapons with 2 texture versions. One set is dirty and a little rusty, the other is clean with signs of wear. Includes bow, arrows, battle axe, battle hammer, sword, longsword, mace, hammer and dagger ...
Sword "Jade Dragon Dao"

Dragon Jade Dao. This mod adds a new sword with a scabbard that you can use as a shield. You can make it at any forge with the steel weapon perk.
Sword of Aribeth

Neverwinter Sword. This mod adds the sword from the game Neverwinter nights (2002), also known as the sword of Aribeth. The characteristics are similar to the Daedric sword and can be created at the forge if you have the Daedric weapon creation perk. ...
Rengar match from League of Legends

Rengar's knife by Lime1Light. League of Legends. SE version. This mod adds the Rengar sword from the world famous game League of Legends. The sword can be crafted at a forge using a saber-toothed tiger tooth (4 pieces), a black ingot (1 piece) and le ...
Blunt weapon set

Death Blunt -Blunt Weapon Set-. This mod adds 7 new types of weapons to the game. You can buy them in stores or get them in battle, or you can find them in chests. Includes bat, club, combat shovel, staff, crowbar, frying pan, brass knuckles.
Ice armor and weapons

Glacier Armor - Blue Glass Armour. This mod will add new armor and weapons to your arsenal. They are a little stronger than regular glass items, but are not game breaking. All this can be made at any forge or bought from traders, and also found as tr ...
Bone Scythe

Skellingtonbane. This mod adds a new deadly weapon to the game, the bone scythe! You can find it on the carpet when you enter the sanctuary of the dark brotherhood.
Meteorite Iron Dagger

Meteoric Iron Dagger. This mod will add a new dagger to the game that can be crafted on a cooking spit. You can find all the ingredients in a chest in Falkreath, which is located near the archer training area.
Taiji Jian Swords

Taichi Jian. This mod adds two swords from the Taiji Jian Dynasty. One sword is silver, the second is gold. Both options are one-handed. Can be made in the forge, in the steel section. Features: Golden sword - Damage: 25/12 - Speed: 1.3 / 1.1 ...
Khopesh - new weapon

Khopesh. This mod adds two unique swords to the game in the "Ra" and "Nur" variants. Swords have an enchantment that deals fire damage (10 units). You can find weapons in the Broken Oar Grotto location.