Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Special Edition
The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Special Edition is a re-release of the role-playing fantasy game with an open world The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Legendary Edition for... Read more
Carving knife

The Seperator -First Time Mod-. A carving knife used to open an unknown specimen. A strange lizard known as the Red-Clad Tramp favors this weapon. You can find him at Arnelf and Sons at the front desk. Requires the Immersive Weapons mod. I'm working ...
Kaine's swords from the game Nier Replicant

Kaine's swords. Here is a mod that adds Kaine's swords from the game Nier Replicant. The weapon is made from scratch, it is not a port from the original game. The characteristics are equivalent to the Daedric sword, only modified, but close to the or ...
Ancient Orc Hammer

Ancient Orcish Warhammer SE. New weapon for Skyrim - Ancient Orc War Hammer. You can find it in Dushnik Yal, in the basement of a long house. Features: - Weight: 28 - Damage: base 23, crit. 12 - Enchantment: No. - Reach: 1.3 - Speed: 0.6
Armor - "Call of the North"

The Call of the North - SSE Port. The first file is a port of the original mod. The only direct change I made was marking esp as esl. The original mod places items in the world through leveled lists - so don't be surprised when you find helmets from ...
Animated Shield - "Spell Breaker"

Spellbreaker Remesh Animated. A mod that changes the Spell Breaker shield to a new look without changing the textures. Animation has also been added.This mod comes with two options: glowing and non-luminous shield that you can choose from.
Indoril armor

Indoril Armor - My version SE-AE. Magnificent Ordinator armor in all its glory. Male and female versions, weight slider, no shoulder pads, two swords, correct inventory items, 4K or 2K, BSA and more. Where to get? (Choose one) - Default: Obtained ...
Several new armor sets

Gigaduex's Armor Sets SE. This mod adds several armor sets to Skyrim. Total 40 items. - Brown archer armor: cuirass, boots, gloves, hood, pants - Black archer armor: cuirass, boots, gloves, hood, pants - Altmer scout armor: gloves, boots, pants, Hoo ...
A set of female armor from the game “The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt”

Witcher 3 Female Armors. The mod adds a set of female armor from the game The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt + DLC. Also adds Triss's hairstyle. Armor in fashion: - Triss' outfit - Yennefer's outfit - Ciri's outfit - Shani's outfit - And their outfits from ...
Dark Light Armor and Weapon Set

Dark Light Armor and Weapon Set. These custom armor and weapons are the perfect blend of functionality and style. Designed for the true battle mage, it will not only weaken your opponents' magic resistance, but also recharge your magic with theirs. A ...
Conan's sword

Conan Swords SE. This mod adds two swords from the 1982 film Conan the Barbarian, the Father Sword and the Atlantean Sword in both one-handed and two-handed versions. The mod had textures and meshes optimized, and its shape ID was fixed in CK and cle ...
Scimitar north

Kanjs - Scimitar of the North Standalone and Replacer. In this mod I shared my latest weapon model as a standalone and replacement weapon! It includes a one-handed scimitar. Replacement and standalone versions. ...
Light Leather Armor

Rogue Nord Armor. This mod adds lightweight and comfortable leather armor to the game, which can be created in a forge from readily available materials. The stand-alone kit includes a set of men's and women's light armor, a hood and an additional low ...
Hook Sword

Wurim Armory - Hook Sword. This mod adds unique Chinese weapons to the game. Adds 3 new unique Chinese hook swords. In addition, it is possible to obtain a new unique sword with a new sword mark effect and enchantment. Moreover, you can disenchant an ...
Beast Master's Ax

Beast Master Ax SE. The Beast Master's Ax can be crafted as a battle axe. Damage is the same as dragon bone. Made from standard dragon materials. Tempered using dragon bone. Labeled ESP.
Northern axes

Nordic Axes. Adds 4 one-handed axes to the game. Added to level sheets. 2 iron and 2 steel (two models with different metal textures). Fits perfectly into the atmosphere of the game. The Stormcloaks now use not only ordinary iron and steel axes, but ...