Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Special Edition
The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Special Edition is a re-release of the role-playing fantasy game with an open world The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Legendary Edition for... Read more
Fort Knox

Fort Knox. Sci-fi/modern city based on Aether Suite, 7 main locations, 200+ interiors, about 400 planned NPCs, friendly followers (fully navmesh), 100+ modern outfits/accessories/armor/modern weapons. Installation: - This mod requires: Skyrim SE o ...
Dungeons with trains

TrainFight. A cool new little cinematic dungeon themed around trains. Because this is a railway line that has been taken over by bandits. Animated trains.
Milandriel - a small piece of Valenwood

Milandriel — A small piece of Valenwood in Skyrim. I wanted to create my own version of an elven village located near Saddle Rock. Features: - Tree house with unique elven interiors. No keys are required, all items are static. - A small elf villag ...
Expansion Riftena - Area Southwood

Riften Extension - Southwoods District. Riften extends beyond its walls with a new district running along the southern road. Includes seven new buildings, an outdoor dining area and 20 new AI characters. The Southwoods area is also marginally include ...
Gardens of Wonders - Sheogorath

Gardens of Wonder - Sheogorath. Quest room, HUB to areas that are not easy to get to, secret rooms that open when completing main quests. Access: Merrifer Farm (Basement) in Riften. Solve the quest to gain access to the Garden.
Cities of the North - Falkreath

Cities of the North - Falkreath. A set of new buildings for Falkreath. This project aims to be lore-based and as compatible as possible. The idea is that you can use any of your favorite overhauls (or a combination), install this mod with the necessa ...
Improved Riverwood

Willhelm's Riverwood. This mod beautifies the river forest and adds many new NPCs and houses to it. Features: - 86 new NPCs - 16 new street lights - 14 new animals - 12 new houses - 10 new chests - 2 new bunkers/basements - Surroundings decorated ...
Walled City of Waldnhold

Thanedom Of Valdnhold. Adds the fortress city of Waldnhold on the mountain pass approaching Winterhold, includes a bounty quest, talk to the thane for details. The town has a forge, an inn and a temple to suit your needs.
Vasyka's grave

Das Grabmal von Vasik (The Tomb of Vasik) 1.01 DV. To the west of Solitude is Vasik's grave. A powerful necromancer who served as one of the commanders of Vuldur during the last Dragon War.
Camp on the Giant Crab

DMT's The Krusty MudKrab (a companions meadhall). The companions killed the giant mud crab and turned its carcass into a new honey hall. Features: - New honey hall for comrades near Dawnstar - Mud crab farm - Lighthouse - Room and chest under the ...
Improved Clean Springs Camp

Ryn's Halted Stream Camp. Major renovation of the interior and exterior of the Clean Springs Camp. Labeled ESL.

Helheim. Helheim is a mod that brings a completely new and unique quest to the world of Skyrim. This mod is heavily based on Norse mythology and the gods. This mod starts in Riverwood. The quest giver can be found in the tavern.
Three Falls Mine

Three Falls Mine. The Three Falls Mine is a mine located under one of the many waterfalls near the Talking Stone camp, southwest of Morthal. It has silver/mercury veins, a little history and, of course, loot.
Expansion of settlements

Settlements Expanded. This mod aims to add and expand several already existing settlements in Skyrim, as well as adding in one (for now) a completely new location that lacks NPCs or structures of any type in the base game. The minor cities and locati ...
Solstheim - Lost Levels

Solstheim - The Lost Levels. Adds 6 interesting dungeons, 8 plants, 1 book and 4 quests. Caves are dungeons that were introduced in Bloodmoon but not in Dragonborn. They are scattered throughout Solstheim, usually close to their starting position. Th ...