Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Special Edition
The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Special Edition is a re-release of the role-playing fantasy game with an open world The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Legendary Edition for... Read more
Washbasin substitute
Fancy Washbasin Replacer. Substitute for washbasins. Includes 12 bowl options, 2 leg options, and 3 metal accent options. Mesh replacer only - uses textures according to your settings.
Simple animation for the “Complicated Spell Learning” mod
Challenging Spell Learning Alternate Animation. This is a patch file that replaces the four spell learning animations in the fantasy mod “Complicated spell training” for one book reading animation for those who prefer this animation.
Difficult spell learning
Challenging Spell Learning. Turns learning a spell into a 10-second magical challenge, with a challenge difficulty proportional to the spell's cost. Pass the test and learn the spell. Fail and you will suffer the consequences. How it works: When y ...
Music and sounds from the game Outward
Outward Music and SFX Overhaul. Adds the OST from Outward to Skyrim and installs some SoundFX replacements for enchantments, alchemy and UI.
Well water
Water in Wells — mesh-only animated wells. A very good solution consisting only of a mesh for animated water in wells and sewers. No ESP. Custom animations and water colors for each well type. Changes the following well types: - Whiterun - Riften ...
Gardens of Wonders - Sheogorath
Gardens of Wonder - Sheogorath. Quest room, HUB to areas that are not easy to get to, secret rooms that open when completing main quests. Access: Merrifer Farm (Basement) in Riften. Solve the quest to gain access to the Garden.
Modern suit
Modern Set - 3BA - BHUNP - CBBE. This mod adds a new modern costume to the game for the female protagonist. Suitable for bodies 3BA - BHUNP - CBBE.
Moderate rain
Cathedral Weathers - Mild Rain. This mod is an attempt to make rainy weather less intrusive. Currently the only change is to reduce the density of rain particles during both snowfall and rain. To work you will need a mod: - Weather and seasons .
Weather and seasons
Cathedral Weathers and Seasons. Naturally fantastic weather mod. Many ENBs disrupt these carefully balanced transitions due to lighting changes. Full customization available via MCM. Features: - Expected FPS loss = zero. - Requires ~16 megabytes ...
Iris - preset for Racemenu
Airis High Poly Preset Breton Imperial Nord and Bosmer. This is a high-poly preset for a girl from the Breton, Nord or Elf race. Recommended mods: - Racemenu - CBBE 3BBB or other body - High Poly Head - Bijin Skin or The Pure Skin - Mikan Eyes ...
Paris Nir - preset for Racemenu
Paris Nyr - Character Preset - High Poly - RaceMenu. This is a human character preset, but can be used with elven races as well. Uses a high poly head and EFM.
Animated drunkenness
Animated Inebriation. Adds iNeeds intoxication effect, intoxicated idle animation, and unscripted walking using the DAR platform. Download and install into your Data folder.
Aeolus and Nymphanetus
Nether's Eola. Includes an upgraded, customized follower with many options, an additional follower in the form of Nymphaneth (a wood elf cannibal necromancer), extensive interactions between Eola and Nymph (if you use them both), collecting "tasty me ...
Set of spells and tools
Vitrium - Spells and Tools Pack. Vitrium includes two whetstones (regular and crystal version), a hammer, a potion of Sour Berry Extract, and two spells: Crystal Ward and Hunter's Instinct. Each type of spell and tool has its own animation, allowing ...
Advanced Player Stash
Sparbog's Player Stash Extended. Expands on the simple and excellent Player's Stash mod. This is a separate mod that includes the original. Some of the new containers in this mod are optional as they modify the chest in the main game so you can get y ...